Urban Vision - Redefining Skylines

Urban Vision, a forward-thinking architecture firm, approached us to elevate their brand presence and redefine their digital identity. Our comprehensive rebranding and website redesign not only transformed their visual aesthetics but also significantly enhanced user engagement and client interaction.

Date :

Sep 12, 2022

Services :

Web Design, 3D Modeling

Budget :



Urban Vision needed to stand out in a competitive market with a distinctive identity and a website that effectively showcased their projects. Their existing brand lacked a unique identity, and their website did not adequately represent their innovative approach to architecture.


We conducted extensive research on competitor strategies, market trends, and user feedback to understand Urban Vision’s core values and positioning. This involved analyzing design trends in the architecture industry and gathering insights from clients and stakeholders to identify key elements for a successful rebranding and website redesign.


Our solution included a complete rebranding with a bold, modern visual identity and a user-friendly website featuring intuitive navigation and high-quality visuals. We designed a new logo, color palette, and brand guidelines that reflected Urban Vision's vision and values, and developed a website that showcased their projects through immersive imagery and interactive elements, significantly improving user engagement.

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